"Jesus is very interested in reaching difficult people. Who will go to the darkest parts of the cracks in our city?"
"Our communities can easily be satisfied with the appearance of inclusion of others, but lack the heart that comes from Jesus."
"When we rip our masks off, and stand in front of God and our community in grace and reconciliation, then we are truly free."
"He calls us to be ambassadors of hope. Not just with words and awareness but with action."
"If all I have is God's then when I give, it's not charity or humanism, it's worship."
"Prayer is not a leadership technique, it is a declaration that we are desperate for Jesus."
"In contemplation, we sit at the feet of God and weep as he weeps. In zeal, we move and act as he would have us act."
"We believe that Jesus came as the savior, not of one people, but of the whole world. We value the world because we believe that God is a global God."
Knowing your context doesn’t mean only knowing its flaws. If the first thing out of your mouth isn’t beauty, there isn’t love.
“We are the most connected generation, but we interact in a way that does not produce love, friendship, or community.”
"The Underground should be a pass-through for missionaries, on our way to those on the edges of society."
“God takes sides with the poor, minorities, exploited workers, and outcasts — and we must each decide where we stand.”
"How could someone miss God walking around and amongst us? Because he came in a cheap frame. And they threw him away as such."