June 11-22, 2024*
A key experience of our story and one that we find is often missing from modern discipleship is being broken and restored. The call of the first disciples was one that pushed them to the edge of themselves, leaving behind all they knew in obedience and obsession for the one who called them. Undergoing extreme and strenuous experiences in our lives are almost always transformative and profoundly strengthening because we come up against our own limits, and are forced to lean on Jesus.
This is very much what Alan Hirsch means in his discussion of the right of passage events of tribal people, what he calls liminality. Discipleship takes place in its most potent form when it is done in a liminal space.
This idea of threshold experiences in discipleship then, is central to our work and the community we are cultivating together. The idea is to create a coming of age/rite of passage experience that is truly trying and which involves some risk; something that challenges and stretches, but does not harm. This journey will take you to the liminal edge of yourself so that we can experience the greatness of God among the desperation of the world.
These three values are at the core of the experience you’re being invited into:
We intend to create both the space and the encouragement to be close to Jesus who is close to the poor. For our participants to have a real and unveiled revelation of the suffering servant, in all his grace, love, glory, power, humility, judgment and justice. And to overwhelm our flawed thinking with a kind of carpet bombing of the mind with Biblical truth. This inundation, we hope, will go a long way toward deprogramming our minds from a lifetime of unchallenged and unchecked thinking.
Trust in mission is built on authentic presence. As much as it is possible, we want to create an experience which immerses us into personal, face to face, relational encounter with the poor and the effects of poverty. Rather than going to provide relief or save them from their situations of poverty, we will go to mirror as many of the realities of their lives as possible, even if temporarily. It is our conviction that this experience has more impact on participants and transforms them into true advocates.
During our time together, it is our intention to create a space for exposure to committed, loving, and unwavering community; to help people experience what it is like to be in relationships with people who pursue peace, truth, and reconciliation in the face of conflict, division, and sin. We hope people can walk away from this experience knowing deeply what it means to be truly known and loved, and to see the outcome of shared life and honest & vulnerable community.
*Start and end dates could change by a day or two, but the week will stay the same