This resource will take a quick look at some milestones in the missionary journey and how we can begin to come alongside everyday people to see them emerge as persevering microchurch leaders.
A worksheet based on an Innovation Lab at SUMMIT 2024, to help leaders tackle challenges or problems through innovation.
In microchurch life we need space to think, pray and plan with our teams for each new ministry season. The Underground Network designs the Leadership Summit to inspire good thinking and mission but ultimately how the weekend impacts your people depends on how you prepare. The Network sets the table but you have to lead your microchurch.
This resource will help you start thinking about how to steward this weekend well and lead your microchurch at SUMMIT.
As microchurch leaders we need to make disciples who grow in the grace of sacrificial generosity. But those conversations can sometimes be a little awkward or we can be unsure how to lead those times. This resource is a guide to help us have critical conversations about giving money.
This resource, adapted from Hugh Halter’s Happy Hour, provides theology around hosting and hospitality as well as some advice to planning a party to build relationship with non-believers.
We've created a resource for those interested in budgeting and being more generous in 2017. This tool will help you plan out your expenses and maximize your giving so that you are able to steward your resources well in the new year.
We're inviting our whole community to start the year with a period of prayer and fasting. Fasting is about focus, it is about the supremacy of God in all things and the weakness in us to do anything meaningful without him. We fast so that we can see the truth. That he matters more than food, that he is our sustenance, that apart from him we can do nothing. There are lots of ways to fast, to find this focus, and we are calling all our leaders to find one (and for the first 7 days of the year) fast with us.
This prayer guide will help any leader facilitate a time of prayer in response to the constant violence and racial injustice in the world
A stylized version of the book of Romans for printing and manuscripting purposes.
Brian and Drew discuss modesty, the selfie, and idolatry on this week's Underground podcast.
Brian talks about his thoughts on the gift it is to share the Gospel with non-Christians, and how it relates to the parables of Luke 15.
Being called is a definite topic of reflection throughout Scripture which has immediate implications for every believer's life. The Calling Lab has been designed as a tool to allow someone to walk through and hopefully discern the voice of God amid the other voices that are demanding their attention.
Listen to Brian talk about the subject of parenting as disciple making in a symposium put on for Underground parents
Here's a few techniques to help with preparation. If done well, there is plenty of room for teaching, so find ways for your teaching to be experienced, putting the students in the principles, allowing them to feel the truth, and interacting together with your teachings.